The Flat Four Fetish held their annual Show N' Shine in Prescott, Arizona during the weekend of May 13-14, 2000. On Saturday they had a Car Rally, driving around the area with a list of clues or something like that. I wasn't there for it, so I wouldn't know. After that was the Street Show, where one street was blocked off downtown and everyone parks their VW there. That was fun because it was at night....I'm a night person. Some people decided to camp out at the schoolgrounds (where the show was going to be the next day) because some of us VW people just like to camp. I didn't stay though....I wanted to sleep in a warm bed, not cramped up in the backseat of a bug. The field was locked, so they ended up sleeping in their cars in the parking lot. It was freakin cold out that night too. So the next day at the show, it started out kind of slow. People didn't really start to show up until around 10 a.m. Not too many bugs this year entered, which was a bummer. But I got pics of the coolest ones there. The green bug was actually hooked up to some hydros and it came driving in on 3 wheels with some heavy negative camber on one rear wheel. As for the swap meet....there were all about 3 people there trying to sell stuff. It was pretty bad. The show got kind of boring after about 15 min. Some guy was playing the keyboard and singing these lame songs, we pulled the plug to his generator twice, but he couldn't take the hint to shut up. Then we squirted the soda guy who was riding around on a bike trying to sell soda, we got him with a super soaker. See? This is how boring the show was. Then about 1 p.m. they had slow drags. They raced bugs against busses so of course all the busses win (due to their different transmission set-up) After that, people were pretty much leaving (including me). I had no idea who won any of the classes since I didn't stick around that long. These FFF shows sure are going downhill fast. Each one keeps getting lamer and lamer. I doubt I will even go to next years.

nate's phat 65 red oldspeed cool black purple lowrider this one was on hyrdros!! lace paint job damn low for a type 3 leopard type 3 charlie's pink bug white 67 my boys chillin
